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lizards on a log

People with limited living quarters may find that reptiles such as lizards or turtles fit perfectly into their lifestyles. Before deciding on a reptile, learn as much as possible about them and their needs. Poisonous snakes and certain reptiles should never be kept as pets. Ask your veterinarian about the suitability of a particular animal before you make your decision. There are many things to consider before committing to a reptile as a pet. 

Finding out if a Pet is Legal Where You Live
Many areas have enacted laws pertaining to keeping reptiles. Some are general and some are quite specific; in many places any reptiles that are considered dangerous (venomous snakes, alligators, etc.) are illegal but some places are even more restrictive (for example, in some states all constricting snakes including ball pythons are illegal).

Salmonella Risks and Prevention
All reptile owners need to be informed about Salmonella infections. While the risks shouldn't keep most people from keeping reptiles since with the proper management the risks are minimal. Still, owners should be aware of the risks, and the US Centers for Disease Control recommends that certain risk groups should be careful about contact with reptiles and amphibians.

The Importance of Light and Heat
Many problems with keeping reptiles can be traced back to not providing the proper environmental conditions, particularly heat. Proper lighting is also important for many reptiles. The equipment to provide the proper heat and light to captive reptiles is often quite expensive, but is absolutely essential to keeping pet reptiles healthy. It is important to find out exactly what conditions your reptile needs and never cut corners when it comes to meeting those conditions!

Why Choose Captive Bred Reptiles
There are numerous reasons why you should pick a captive bred reptile if at all possible, as explained here.

How to Pick a Healthy Reptile
It is important to keep in mind that depending on where you get a reptile, it may be very stressed, dehydrated, and prone to illness. Here are some items to look for when buying your reptile to increase the chances of picking out a healthy pet reptile.

While there are many types of reptiles that could be good pets, here we cover a few you could consider.

  • Captive Reptiles May Have Nutritional Deficiency

    Pet owners keeping reptiles in captivity as household pets may sometimes find that their pets have a nutritional deficiency. Metabolic bone disease is "the most common nutritional deficiency affecting captive reptiles," advises veterinarian Fredrick L. Frye in Reptile Care: An Atlas of Diseases and Treatments.

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  • Bringing Dog Vision in Focus

    Veterinary ophthalmologists are often asked, "How well do animals see?" Visual function involves a combination of many factors, including: the field of view, depth perception, acuity, perception of motion, and color differentiation. All of these functions must then be integrated by the brain to produce

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  • How to Clean Your Pet's Teeth

    Per their dentist’s recommendation, most people brush their teeth twice a day and floss once a day. Practicing regular at-home care and routinely visiting an oral health professional can help prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Having good oral hygiene practices is also essential for helping

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  • How to Control Bad Breath in Pets: Tips & Tricks

    There’s nothing fun about getting a slobbery wet kiss from a dog or a cat with bad breath! Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is generally caused by excessive build-up of odor -producing bacteria inside your pet’s mouth, lungs, or even gut. While most cases of bad breath can be traced back to poor

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  • Bird Grooming - Wings, Beaks & Nails

    The grooming that is necessary for birds is something that may get overlooked, since typically we don't let them constantly roam freely around our houses like with other pets. However, just because they are set on a perch safe within their cages doesn't mean that their maintenance should be any less.

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  • Does Your Cat Need Vaccines?

    In a word, yes. “No other medical development has been as successful as vaccination in controlling deadly diseases in companion animals,” says feline veterinarian Dr. Arnold Plotnick. The Exception Dr. Plotnick and other veterinarians acknowledge that, rarely, vaccinations in cats have been linked

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  • Do I Have to Vaccinate My Pet?

    Not sure if your furry friend really needs those vaccinations? Skipping them can cause serious health problems - for your pet and you.

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  • Understanding Renal Failure in Cats

    Acute renal failure and chronic renal failure are two health problems that commonly affect cats. Acute renal failure can affect cats at any age; emergency care is essential to treating this condition and saving a cat’s life. Chronic renal failure typically occurs in senior cats. According to the American

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  • Medical Benefits of Regular Home Grooming for Cats

    The condition of your cat’s coat and skin is an important feline health indicator. Healthy coats are shiny and smooth, and healthy skin will be supple and clear. While nutrition and health status will influence a cat’s appearance, regular grooming also has an impact. At-home grooming care, including

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  • Caring for Your Pet Before and After Surgery

    Is a surgery in your pet's future? If it is, you probably have a few questions about pre- and post-surgery care. Paying close attention to care recommendations will help you ensure that the surgery is just a minor disruption to your pet's normal routine. Before Surgery Stop Food Your pet will need

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  • What is an Emergency?

    We all become worried when our beloved pets become ill, but when should we take them to an emergency hospital? Most larger communities have an ER for pets, but when do we need to utilize one? What symptoms are serious and need immediate attention, and what can wait until the next day for your regular

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  • What Is a Spay?

    Everyone knows they should have their females dogs and cats spayed, but what exactly does that mean? The word "spay" is thought to originate from the Old French espeer meaning to cut with a sword, which then may have been changed to the Middle English spayen. Today the word means to perform a surgery

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  • Veterinary Laser Therapy Eases A Pet’s Pain

    Laser therapy is a cutting-edge technique in veterinary medicine for managing many conditions, including chronic pain in pets. Class IV (cold) laser therapy is especially effective for treating pets that struggle with osteoarthritis pain whether or not they have orthopedic surgery. Cold laser therapy

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  • Vaccine Reactions in Pets

    Vaccines are intended to stimulate the immune system. In effect, they induce the response the immune system should have in the face of a real infection. They are like a fire drill for the immune system. As a result, our pets' bodies can have appropriate vaccine response symptoms as well as unexpected

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  • Saving On Pet Costs Doesn't Mean Reducing Care

    Having a pet can cost owners hard earned money. There are food costs, recreation or pet-sitting costs, grooming fees and veterinary visits. When you want to save on the dollars you spend keeping your family's pets healthy and well remember that reducing their care is not the first choice to make.

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  • Questions to Ask When Considering Which Pet Health Insurance to Buy

    We all love our pets and many consider their pets to be their furry children. When they get sick we want to be able to take care of them properly. With technological advances in veterinary medicine, much more is available now in both diagnostics and treatment. Procedures such as MRI's, CAT scans, chemotherapy,

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